Creating EdJoin User Account
Here's How to Create an EDJOIN User Account
Here's How to Create an EDJOIN User Account
Here's How to Create an EDJOIN User Account
1. In order to submit EDJOIN application, you will need to create an EDJOIN user account.
2. To begin, navigate to
3. Click Login/Register at the top of the page, then select Register.

4. On the registration page, complete the required fields marked with a red asterisk (*) and click Register.

5. Once the registration process is complete, you will be taken to your EDJOIN profile page. The profile contains standard questions that appear on every EDJOIN application. By completing these questions in the Profile, you will be able to complete online applications with greater efficiency.
6. To the right of each page, you will find a set of buttons:

7. Proceed to the next section of the Applicant Profile by clicking Next. Continue the process until you have completed all sections. If you need to stop and return to EDJOIN at a later time, ensure that you click Save before closing your browser.
8. You can upload and store commonly requested documents, such as Resumes, Letters of Introduction, Letters of Reference, etc., onto your Profile. On the Attachments page, select from the drop-down list an Attachment Type, then click Select File to locate the document on your computer.
9. Click Add Attachment.
Note: Each uploaded file cannot exceed 1 MB in size. If a multiple-page file is too large, upload each page separately.
When you've completed your Applicant Profile, you can begin to search and apply for jobs on
Please contact EdJoin helpdesk for assistance with the EDJOIN.ORG website. They can be reached by phone at 888-900-8945 or via the web at