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Yolo County Office of Education

Yolo County Office of Education

Procedures for Reporting Absences

Procedures for Reporting Absences

Please review our procedures for reporting absences below.  This will assist us in providing efficient and accurate service to our employees.
  1. Employees must report their absences to Aesop in advance by either calling 1-800-942-3767 or via online at Aesop.  If you are unable to access the system, call (530) 668-3727 or email .  Employees are required to report their absences whether or not they require a substitute.
  2. If an employee is arriving late for work, the employee’s supervisor must be notified of the reason in a timely manner but not later than the employee’s starting time on the day of the absence.  Should an employee be unable to personally notify the supervisor, it is the employee’s responsibility to notify Human Resources before the employee’s starting time.
  3. If an employee needs to leave work for any reason before the end of the workday, the employee must obtain prior approval from the employee’s supervisor and indicate the type of leave needed.  It is the employee’s responsibility to report the absence to Aesop.  NOTE:  Instructional staff must ensure coverage has been arranged by their supervisor prior to leaving the site.
  4. The following leaves have certain requirements:
  • Sick Leave – Any employee absent because of illness for more than five consecutive workdays shall provide a physician’s certification that the employee was ill and unable to work and a release to return to work on his/her return to work.  For YEA members only:  Certification from the doctor of an illness may be required by Human Resources when the illness exceeds three consecutive workdays.
  • Bereavement Leave – Employees shall notify their supervisor on or before the first day of leave.  Within 10 days of returning, the employee shall provide the name of the deceased, city and state, date of death, and relationship to the employee.  This verification may be accomplished by including the information in the “Notes to Administrator” section in Aesop.
  • Jury Duty – Employees shall notify their supervisor at least three days in advance (or as soon as notified if notice is received less than three days before the commencement) of jury duty.  Verification of jury duty (e.g. notice or other documentation) must be submitted to Human Resources.
  • Personal Business Leave is not authorized unless the employee receives prior approval of the immediate supervisor.  Notice of approval must be given in writing.  This may be accomplished by reporting to Aesop.  These days shall not be deducted from sick leave.
  • Personal Necessity Leave (seven days earned from sick leave) for death of an immediate family member, accident or illness, or appearance in court (additional reasons for YEA members only:  verified emergencies, inability to get to the unit member’s assigned place of duty and traditionally recognized religious holidays or observances) must be verified by providing information explaining the reason in the “Notes to Administrator” section in Aesop and a copy of the subpoena or other verification must be submitted to Human Resources for court appearances. 
Personal Necessity Leave “Other” is for other reasons that must be approved by the Associate Superintendent of Human Resources prior to taking the leave. Employees are not authorized to take personal necessity leave “other” for other reasons unless they have received prior approval in advance. Notice of approval must be in writing.This verification may be accomplished by including the information in the “Notes to Administrator” section in Aesop.
  • Family Sick Leave – Employees may use any of his/her accrued sick leave in the case of illness or injury of a member of the employee’s family as defined under bereavement leave when the presence of the employee is necessary.  The employee shall provide the relationship to the employee by including the information in the “Notes to Administrator” section in Aesop.  Such leave shall be charged to the employee’s sick leave.
  • Personal Family Illness Leave – Each employee shall be entitled to one day of paid leave each school year to be used only in the case of illness or injury of a member of the employee’s personal family when the presence of the employee is necessary.  Such leave shall not be charged to the employee’s sick leave and shall not be cumulative.
  • Vacation requests shall be submitted as early as possible, except in emergency situations.  Vacations shall be scheduled at times requested by bargaining unit employees so far as possible within the Superintendent’s work requirements.  Employees shall submit vacation requests by June 15 of the following fiscal year.
We thank you in advance for your assistance.  If you have any questions about these procedures or other absence-reporting concerns, contact Human Resources at (530) 668-3784. 
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